The Killer

CRank: 5Score: 36430

they should have stick to the ps3!!

now the game is ruined and became a multiplatform game!! no more big attention!

and the game reputation is ruined too(thank you MS and SE)!!!

only hope for the franchise is versus 13 for this gen for SE, if for any reason versus 13 get ruined then the franchise will start dying.

5308d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

simple as that

5308d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

someone please tell me why i am not surprised??

damn i hit the next button by mistake!! should never give them a hit!!

5308d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

rent!! and a flop!! i remember how they criticized and called heavenly sword for being 6-7 hours game a flop!!!

5309d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it was i think gears of war 1!!

damn!! 360 power cant even reach 30% of ps3(uncharted 1)!!

5309d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

ps3 is ahead with at least 20k!!

and we all know that ps3 outsells the 360 in PAL regions with the exception of UK and even in UK the sales difference is minor!!

so i expect at least ps3 sold more than 360 with 100+K this month!! keep in mind ps3 had shortages and 360 had Mass Effect 2(shooting game which bots die on)

5309d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

heck when 360 beats the ps3 in anything then open ur mouth loser sinking ship!!

5309d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment
5309d ago

get the 1080p bravia!!

because simply things r going for the higher resolution!! and even ps3 games r getting or supporting 1080p resolution!!

so it is good for gaming/cut scenes etc and for movies and maybe 3D gaming!! i think there is already 3D enabled TV at the moment!! and also i dont think the price difference is that huge between 720p and 1080p!! i was in the same dilemma and realized its not worth to save 50-100$ for 720p!! remember if u buy 1080p it will las...

5310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

publishers contain more developers!! and what conference showed is around 10-15 major publishers!!

this mean 36 developers number can increase dramatically with more games coming!!

developer is like a big team, publisher is like a big company that contain many teams!!

i hope that was clear to u.

5310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that simple

5310d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i am very excited for the games of Move!! and Socom 4 with Move?? that will be killing!!

i bet they will patch killzone 2 and battlefield bad company 2 with the Move!!

ow yeah!!! lets Move it baby!!


guys am i missing the video? or there is no video? all i see is pictures!!

5310d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

will remain till the end of this generation i think!!

maybe they will ship a little bit more but i doubt it!!

5311d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

racism against non american company who is competing with an american company!!!

maybe because MS is also helping the FBI and CIA to their law breaking acts?

and we know that the most powerful media is the western/american specifically!! so they would promote anything which is american against a non american!!

and who ever deny that is a fool!! why u think 360 strong foothold is in USA?

and also this is the only sound reason i can think of w...

5311d ago 30 agree7 disagreeView comment

u must be on drugs to believe the USA represents 52% of the video game industry!!! europe alone have bigger market than USA(look at last gen sales) let alone japan and the rest of the world!!

u must be one of those hippies who thinks USA is the best country in the world with the highest democracy and human rights!!

5311d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i know he is a troll bot!!

my message was not to him!! i dont even bother with insect brain size bots!! my message was to the rest!! my comment was under his for the purpose of more reader will read it!! thats all!

5312d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

u have to much faith in wii!! time will tell i think, but remember this, we all knew that ps3 will be in top again this gen from the beginning and ps3 looks like going on that track/prediction!!

so when many analysis says ps3 will be on top then they have a reason to say so!! unless sony drops the ball witch they will not i hope!!

however analysis often make mistakes!! so we never know!! but i do think ps3 will reach 120M but the question is will wii reach that numb...

5312d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the best console this generation is the ps3!! from hardware to software to free services to features to reliability to backing it up etc!!

anyone who goes for 360 is for these reason:
1: modded 360
2: online maniac shooter
3: old gen technology which means easy to make the games at home

as for wii it has to do with these reaons:
1: motion control
2: cheap
3: fun and friendly games

as for ps3 well i already said it but ...

5312d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

wii already is fading!! 2009 sales were less than 2008 even though wii had a price cut!!! why u think? ps3 was the only console last year to see growth!! and with all this game plus the Arc i think ps3 will make the impact of ps2!!

i believe when ps3 introduces the Arc we will see sales which we never saw before with these amazing games!!

ps3 still have 5 years at least in its belly with strong sales!! but i cant say that for wii or 360!!

5312d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

with few exceptions!!

they said White Night Chronicles is crap!! we said ok
they said MAG was an ok game!! we swallowed it
they said heavy rain is not a game and just ok! we barely swallowed it
and now they say GOW3 is an ok game too?? well thats hard to swallow!!

i wonder what ps3 game is superb?? it has to be a cartoonish generic shooting game!!

5312d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment